Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Law Of One, THE RA MATERIAL, Complete 5 Five Series By Ra, An Humble Messenger Of The Law Of One

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[Book I]
[Book II]
[Book III]
[Book IV]
[Book V]
Questioner:"Do you have a specific purpose, and if so, could you tell us something of what your purpose is?" 

Ra:"I am Ra. We communicate now. We are those who are of the Law of One. In our vibration the polarities are harmonized; the complexities are simplified; the paradoxes have a solution. We are one. That is our nature and our purpose." 

The Ra Material (known as the The Law of One in later editions) is a collected series of transcripts, of more than 100 sessions, reputedly authored by a non-human intelligence named Ra, claimed to be a group of individual souls at a "higher level of spiritual evolution" that were "channeled" by Carla L. Rueckert (McCarty) in the early 1980s. The series presents commentary and transcripts of dialogue between Don Elkins and Ra, and was published between 1982 and 1998 by Schiffer Books. The publishers attribute the authorship to Don Elkins, Jim McCarty, and Carla L. Rueckert. 

The material makes further claims of Ra being of "extraterrestrial" origin, and that Ra had once visited ancient Egypt and assisted in the construction of the pyramids. The material offers its own metaphysical, cosmological and epistemological views based on its claim of the "Law of One". 

The human players in the Ra contact were Dr. Elkins, Carla Rueckert and Jim Mc Carty. Rueckert had worked for over 20 years to perfect the art of channeling, complete with a wealth of verifiably accurate data that she could not have known consciously. When Mc Carty joined the group, ostensibly to help Rueckert and Elkins catalog their extensive amount of information, a sudden and unexpected change occurred. For the first time in her life, Rueckert lapsed into a completely unconscious trance state during a group meditation and began speaking for Ra, having no memory of what she said upon awakening. 

Again, the number of cases where genuine unconscious trances have truly happened are quite rare, and this contact had the advantage of completely removing Carla‘s conscious mind from the process, thus stopping any of the data from being distorted. Almost immediately there was a noticeable difference for Dr. Elkins between the words of Ra and anything else that had ever been produced through Carla before. Ra explained that the harmony and fidelity of the group was strong enough that they were able to secure what they called a “narrow-band connection, ” which required an extremely sensitive and exacting set of protocols to properly conduct. 

Indeed, the demands that these sessions placed on Carla were quite intense, as her body essentially had to remain completely motionless and unconscious for over an hour at a time. But in the midst of this state, the words that came through Carla‘s mouth were clearly not those of Carla. 

The material that is presented is of such depth and complexity that a minimum of one or two years is required to properly study and assimilate the information in all five books, and Ra‘s words often made Dr. Elkins‘ scientific and spiritual knowledge seem ridiculously inadequate. And yet, Dr. Mandelker‘s studies have proven that the words of Ra have demonstrated a very high understanding of the deepest revelations of world religious philosophy, especially Eastern schools of thought such as Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhism. 

Therefore, within the five Law of One books there lay an untapped gold mine just waiting for someone to come along and harvest; for among many other valuable insights, during the course of Ra‘s interaction with the group, an entirely new, self-consistent universal cosmology of Oneness was being developed.

Monday, November 3, 2014

A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness : A Cosmic Book on the Mechanics of Creation By Itzhak Bentov

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This volume is a study of nature of consciousness and its evolution in terms of expansion into ever higher level of creation. 

In meditation, Bentov perceived these levels visually as ever-evolving structures, or that consciousness manifested itself to him in forms that revealed its functioning on different levels. Evolution pushes humanity toward goodhood. 

As a meditator, Bentov experienced the subjective, intuitive knowledge of a mystic.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Stalking the Wild Pendulum On the Mechanics of Consciousness By Itzhak Bentov

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In his exciting and original view of the universe, Itzhak Bentov has provided a new perspective on human conscious and its limitless possibilities. 

Widely known and loved for his delightful humor and imagination, Bentov explains the familiar world of phenomena with perceptions that are as lucid as they are thrilling. 

He gives us a provocative picture of ourselves in an expanded, conscious, holistic universe, showing us that : 

1).Our bodies mirror the universe, down to the working of each cell. 
2).We are pulsating beings in a vibrating universe, in constant motion between the finite and infinite. 
3).The universe and all matter is conscious in the process of developing. 4).Our brains are thought amplifiers, not thought's source. 
5).The universe is a hologram and so is the brain, a hologram interpreting a holographic universe. 
6).We can instantly reclaim any information ever known.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Body Mind Balancing By Osho

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You have heard about alchemists who tried to transform base metals into golds. Your body does far better, it transforms all kinds of crap that you go on throwing inside into blood, into bone. And not only into blood and bone : it also turns that crap into nourishment for your brain. Out of your ice cream, it makes your brain, a brain that can create an Albert Einstein, a Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu. Just see the muracles! 

A brain in such small thing, enclosed in small skull, a single brain can contain all the libraries of the world. It's capacity is almost infinite. It is the greatest memory system. You can say that the body is a solid state of the same energy and the mind is a liquid state of the same energy. Whatsoever you do physically affects the mind. Whatsoever you do mentally affects the body. They are not two separate things, they are one. 

Many everyday discomforts and tensions arise from the fact that we are alienated from our bodies. With the help of Body Mind Balancing, readers will learn to talk to and reconnect with their bodies. After just a short time, readers will begin to appreciate how much the body has been working for them and supporting them, and from this new perspective one can find new ways to work with the body and create a more harmonious balance of body and mind.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Creativity : Unleashing the Forces Within By Osho

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As Osho points out in the foreward to this book, historically, the creative person has been all but forced to rebel against the society. But nowadays, the situation has dramatically changed. 

In today's world, the ability to respond creatively to new challenges is demanded of everybody, from corporate CEOs to "soccer moms." Those whose toolbox for dealing with life includes only what they have learned in the past from their parents and their teachers are at a distinct disadvantage both in their relationships and in their careers. 

Making a switch from imitative and rule-bound behavior to creative innovation and flexibility requires a profound change in our attitudes about ourselves and our capabilities. Creativity is a handbook for those who understand the need to bring more creativity, playfulness, and flexibility to their lives. It's a manual for thinking "outside the box"-and learning to live there as well.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Awareness : The Key to Living in Balance (Insights for a New Way of Living) By Osho

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Underlying all meditation techniques, including martial arts-and in fact underlying all great athletic performances-is a quality of being awake and present to the moment, a quality that Osho calls awareness. 

Once we can identify and understand what this quality of awareness is, we have the key to self-mastery in virtually every area of our lives. According to great masters like Lao Tzu or Buddha, most of us move through our lives like sleepwalkers. Never really present in what we are doing, never fully alert to our environment, and not even aware of what motivates us to do and say the things we do. At the same time, all of us have experienced moments of awareness-or awakening, to use another-in extraordinary circumstances. 

On the road, in a sudden and unexpected accident, time seems to stop and one is suddenly aware of every movement, every sound, every thought. Or in moments that touch us deeply-welcoming a new baby into the world for the first time, or being with someone at the moment of death. 

Awareness, says Osho, is the key to being self-directed, centered, and free in every aspect of our lives. In this book, Osho teaches how to live life more attentively, mindfully, and meditatively, with love, caring and consciousness. 

OSHO challenges readers to examine and break free of the conditioned belief systems and prejudices that limit their capacity to life in all its richness. He has been described by the Sunday Times of London as one of the "1000 Makers of the 20th Century" and by Sunday Mid-Day (India) as one of the ten people-along with Gandhi, Nehru, and Buddha-who have changed the destiny of India. More than a decade after his death in 1990, the influence of his teachings continues to expand, reaching seekers of all ages in virtually every country of the world.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Bodhidharma Anthology : The Earliest Records of Zen By Jeffrey L. Broughton

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In the early part of this century, the discovery of a walled-up cave in northwest China led to the retrieval of a lost early Ch'an (Zen) literature of the T'ang dynasty (618-907). One of the recovered Zen texts was a seven-piece collection, the Bodhidharma Anthology. Of the numerous texts attributed to Bodhidharma, this anthology is the only one generally believed to contain authentic Bodhidharma material. 

Jeffrey L. Broughton provides a reliable annotated translation of the Bodhidharma Anthology along with a detailed study of its nature, content, and background. His work is especially important for its rendering of the three Records, which contain some of the earliest Zen dialogues and constitute the real beginnings of Zen literature. 

The vivid dialogues and sayings of Master Yuan, a long-forgotten member of the Bodhidharma circle, are the hallmark of the Records. Master Yuan consistently criticizes reliance on the Dharma, on teachers, on meditative practice, and on scripture, all of which lead to self-deception and confusion, he says. According to Master Yuan, if one has spirit and does not seek anything, including the teachings of Buddhism, then one will attain the quietude of liberation. The boldness in Yuan's utterances prefigures much of the full-blown Zen tradition we recognize today. 

Broughton utilizes a Tibetan translation of the Bodhidharma Anthology as an informative gloss on the Chinese original. Placing the anthology within the context of the Tun-huang Zen manuscripts as a whole, he proposes a new approach to the study of Zen, one that concentrates on literary history, a genealogy of texts rather than the usual genealogy of masters.

The Book : On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are By Alan Watts

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Delves into the cause and cure of the illusion that the self is a separate ego. Modernizes and restates the ancient Hindu philosophy of Vedanta and brings out the full force of realizing that the self is in fact the root and ground of the universe.

Beat Zen, Square Zen And Zen By Alan Watts

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It is as difficult for Anglo-Saxons as for the Japanese to absorb anything quite so Chinese as Zen. For though the word "Zen" is Japanese and though Japan is now its home, Zen Buddhism is the creation of T'ang dynasty China. I do not say this as a prelude to harping upon the ncommunicable subtleties of alien cultures. The point is simply that people who feel a profound need to justify themselves have difficulty in understanding the viewpoints of those who do not, and the Chinese who created Zen were the same kind of people as Lao-tzu, who, centures before, said, "Those who justify themselves do not convince." 

For the urge to make or prove oneself right has always jiggled the Chinese sense of the ludicrous, since as both Confucians and Taoists-however different these philosophies in other ways-they have invariably appreciated the man who can "come off it." To Confucius it seemed much better to be human-hearted then righteous, and to the great Taoists, Lao-tzu and Chang-tzu, it was obvious that one could not be right without also being wrong, because the two were as inseparable as back and front. 

As Chang-tzu said, "Those who would have good government without its correlative misrule, and right without its correlative wrong, do not understand the principles of the universe." 

To Western ears such words may sound cynical, and the Confucian admiration of "reasonableness" and compromise may appear to be a weak-kneed lack of commitment to principle. Actually they reflect a marvelous understanding and respect for what we call the balance of nature, human and otherwise-a universal vision of life as the Tao or way of nature in which the good and evil, the creature and the destructive, the wise and the foolish are the inseparable polarities of existence. 

"Tao," said the Chung-yung, "is that from which one cannot depart. That from which one can depart is not the Tao." Therefore wisdom did not consist in trying to wrest the good from the evil but learning to "ride" them as a cork adapts itself to the crests and troughs of the waves. 

At the roots of Chinese life there is a trust in the good-and-evil of one's own nature which is pecularly foreign to those brought up with the chronic uneasy conscience of the Hebrew-Christian cultures. Yet it was always obvious to the Chinese that a man who mistrusts himself cannot even trust his mistrust, and must therefore be hopelessly confused.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Zen Teaching of Huang Po : On the Transmission of Mind

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The Mind is neither large nor small; it is located neither within nor without. It should not be thought about by the mind nor be discussed by the mouth. Ordinarily, it is said that we use the Mind to transmit the Mind, or that we use the Mind to seal the Mind. Actually, however, in transmitting the Mind, there is really no Mind to receive or obtain; and in sealing the Mind, there is really no Mind to seal. 

If this is the case, then does the Mind exist or does it not exist? Actually, it cannot be said with certainty that the Mind either exists or does not exist, for it is Absolute Reality. This is expressed in the Ch'an Sect by the maxim: "If you open your mouth, you are wrong. If you give rise to a single thought, you are in error." So, if you can quiet your thinking totally, all that remains is voidness and stillness. 

This complete translation of the original collection of sermons, dialogues, and anecdotes of Huang Po, the illustrious Chinese master of the Tang Dynasty, allows the Western reader to gain an understanding of Zen from the original source, one of the key works in its teachings; it also offers deep and often startling insights into the rich treasures of Eastern thought. 

Nowhere is the use of paradox in Zen illustrated better than in the teaching of Huang Po, who shows how the experience of intuitive knowledge that reveals to a man what he is cannot be communicated by words. With the help of these paradoxes, beautifully and simply presented in this collection, Huang Po could set his disciples on the right path. It is in this fashion that the Zen master leads his listener into truth, often by a single phrase designed to destroy his particular demon of ignorance.
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