Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thought force in Business and Everyday Life By William Walker Atkinson

In justice to myself, I think it well to state that this work has been somewhat
hastily prepared from the notes used by me in certain of lectures, the lessons give herein practically being the syllabi of the said lectures.

In the lectures, and in this work, my one and only purpose has been to acquaint the students with the means of developing, and effectively using the might forces latent within him - Personal Magnetism and Psychic Influence. To this end I have scarified all pretensions to literary style, all attempts to secure felicity of diction. I have felt that I had a message to deliver, and I endeavored to deliver it promptly, clearly and plainly, without any attempt at “fine writing.”

If a homely word seemed to express my thought - I used it. If a slang term or semi-slang phrase seemed to fit in - in it went. I trust that my critics will spare themselves the trouble of pointing out my many defects of style and composition - I fully realize these things. I have subordinated everything else, in my endeavor to make this work plain and practical. This is an explanation, not an apology.

With the above understanding between us, I submit this little work to your kind consideration. Whilst fully cognizant of its defects, I still feel that it will be helpful to some of the many who are endeavoring to overcome unfavorable environments, which it may serve as a guidepost, pointing out the past to better things. I feel that it will do its share of the work of removing Fear thought from the minds of men, of replacing “I Can’t” with “I Can and I WILL.” I feel that I must do these things, for it contains within it the germs of a mighty Truth.

William Walker Atkinson


Chapter 1. Salutatory
Chapter 2. The Nature of the Force
Chapter 3. How the Thought Force Can Aid You
Chapter 4. Direct Psychic Influence
Chapter 5. A Little Worldly Wisdom
Chapter 6. The Power of the Eye
Chapter 7. The Magnetic Gaze
Chapter 8. The Volic Force
Chapter 9. Direct Volation
Chapter 10. Telepathic Volation
Chapter 11. The Adductive Quality of Thought
Chapter 12. Character Building By Mental Control
Chapter 13. The Art of Concentering
Chapter 14. The Practice of Concentering
Chapter 15. Valedictory

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