Sunday, March 2, 2014

Free Ebooks by Phil Hine

Phil Hine
Phil Hine 

Phil Hine is a writer, artist, book reviewer and occultist of Chaos Magick. He is one of the most well known authors and exponents on this subject through his works Pseudonomicon, Condensed Chaos, Prime Chaos, as well as several essays on the topics of chaos magic and Cthulhu Mythos magick.

Free Ebooks by Phil Hine
Aspects of Evocation
This essay is a short account of a personal exploration of the 'demons' of my own psyche. Rather than relying on existing approaches, I preferred to develop a purely personal approach. I give this account not to foist this particular approach onto others, but in the hope that it will assist those who are experimenting with different techniques.

Group Explorations in Ego Magic
This essay explores Ego Magic techniques within the context of a group. Originally conceived as part of a series of technical papers for IOT UK, I am now making this information available for anyone who cares to peruse it, as part of an ongoing series of releases related to magical group work in general.

Oven-Ready Chaos
Oven-Ready Chaos is an updated, online version of Phil Hine's original chapbook version of Chaos Condensed, which outlines a brief and simple "definition" of magic(k), a brief history of the school of practice called chaos magic and an outline of some of its basic approaches, and presents a number of simple techniques.

Permutations is a collection of four essays which I feel throws up different perspectives - a 'window' if you like - into the diverse forces & feelings which have shaped my approach to magical work and concepts. Readers will discern a strong autobiographical element within these pages. This is a deliberate style, as I have found that the act of unveiling how magic has affected me personally, is a key to communicating the often abstract ideas which relate to the 'hidden' faces of magic - which are often difficult to carry across in bite-sized chunks. Simply saying "this is how such-and-such should be done" and leaving it at that - is not an approach which works for me. The magical power of 'concealment' is well-known. The power of revealing oneself, warts 'n' all, is less well-attested. These four essays reflect different areas of my magical work which I have found, for various reasons, to be at times, problematic. Writing is for me, both an earthing and an exorcism. This collection is not quite 'practical' in the same way that my other books are, but nonetheless, I feel that the reader may find some useful points herein, which cross all boundaries of magical activity.

Running Magical Workshops
A few random notes and practical tips on running magical workshops.

Touched By Fire: Techniques of Modern Shamanism Volume III
The aim of this book is to go some way towards exploring the evolving perspective of 'Urban Shamanism'. It's not really a training manual like its predecessors, but gives one viewpoint (mine) on tackling the problem of living and acting from a broadly shamanic stance, within a city culture. Starting out with the premise that shamanic work is less of a purely personal trip and more related to the recovery of a functional role that individuals may come to play in their community, I have tried to present a clear picture of my own approach, in the hope that it may point others to explore what remains, largely, unknown territory.

Two Worlds and Inbetween: Techniques of Modern Shamanism Volume II
Two Worlds & Inbetween is a companion volume to Walking Between the Worlds. Whilst the latter dealt primarily with enhancing sensory awareness and the induction of trance states by various methods, this present work provides a simple schema for partitioning aspects of our experience, and suggests exercises within a broad conceptual framework for self-exploration and development.

Walking Between The Worlds: Techniques of Modern Shamanism Volume I
This book is a collection of practical exercises, the aim of which is to enhance awareness of the world around us. The first part of this book deals with basic sensory exercises, while the second half deals with trance states, and some of the basic group dynamics involvedin helping other people into them. Using these techniques will not make you a 'shaman/shamanka', but they are drawing on the shamanic outlook - which depends from an enhanced awareness of our environment, and the ability to mediate between the everyday, and the sacred aspects of our experience. Walking between the Worlds requires that we learn to extend our perceptions from the ordinary, to see the extra-ordinary which lies within it. Many of the techniques require group exploration, since it is impossible to growin total isolation from others.

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