Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Reality Transurfing 5 : Apples Fall to the Sky >>>ENGLISH VERSION<<< By Vadim Zeland

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In the previous book you learned that human beings are able to control reality, if they can get rid of the illusion of the dual mirror. 

In this book you will learn how to do just that. 

Under certain conditions, human thought energy is able to manifest one or another sector in the space of variants. 

This state, which in Transurfing is called "the unity of the soul and mind", generates a mysterious power called "external intention". 

Reality Transurfing was one of the top non-fiction bestsellers in the world in 2005 and 2006. Unknown till now in the West, the series has sold over 1,300,000 copies in Russia in three years. This translation (by Natasha Micharina) describes a new way of looking at reality, indeed of creating it. It provides a scientific explanation of the laws that help you do this.


  1. Please upload the English version without Watermark, It's hard to read. Thanks Jebalkober, I hope you can grant our request.

  2. sorry, can't do that, because still in copyright, it's illegal to download.

    by the occult team


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